CONNECTION 4─Advanced Level
(著者)Milada Broukal (編著)関口智子
判型 | B5判 |
ページ | 全7章(ReadingページPassage14本)105ページ |
価格 | 1,950円(税別) |
ISBN | 978-4-88198-699-8 |
略号 | 699 |
発売日 | 2015年4月 |
先生用資料 | 教授資料(解答/試訳)・教室用CD |
ストリーミング用音声データ | 音声データ |
- 解説
◆ 平均900語前後の読み応えのある英文で、ファッションの歴史、衛生学、芸術家、心理学、集団・組織・社会論、動物の権利やクローン農場などの論争点、文学といった各々のテーマについて視点とトピックの異なるパッセージ2本ずつが用意され、アジア各国や欧米での幅広く普遍的なテーマを扱います。
◆ 本文にはわかりやすく的確な英英注釈が付いているので、読みを大いに助け、語彙習得にも役立ちます。
◆ 穴埋め選択語彙問題のほか、本文の内容理解をはかるT or F 問題や質問に対して正しい答えを探す選択式問題など、簡潔かつ適切なエクササイズが設けられています。
This is a Four-level content-based reading series and is designed to develop reading fluency and ability, from cover to cover combines intensive reading exercises to build language awareness and comprehension with longer, easier passages. Reading passages explore engaging topics from a variety of genres and are supported by activities that help build and develop vocabulary and reading skills.
■Activity includes Pre-reading activity, Vocabulary, Looking for the Main Ideas, Looking for Details, Discussion.
■Instructions are written in English.
■On-line ASSESSMENT TEST can be downloaded free from http:// www. ID Password is shown in Teacher’s Manual.
- 目次
1 Fashion in History
Reading 1: The Toe of the Shoe [1,329 words]
Reading 2: Trousers and Skirts [850 words]
2 Hygiene
Reading 1: Cleanliness [1,070 words]
Reading 2: Cleaner Fish [1,015 words]
3 Artists
Reading 1: Frida Kahlo [1,091 words]
Reading 2: Digital Photo Illustration [665 words]
4 Psychology
Reading 1: Body Language [1,000 words]
Reading 2: Extraversion and Introversion [748 words]
5 Groups, Organizations, and Societies
Reading 1: Doctors Without Borders[1,107 words]
Reading 2: Stranglers in a Strange Land [739 words]
6 Issues for Debate
Reading 1: Animal Rights [1,020 words]
Reading 2: Clone Farm [727 words]
7 Readings from Literature
Reading 1: Winterblossom Garden[977 words]
Reading 2: Mrs. Sen’s [1,226 words]- メディアほか関連情報
- 著者紹介
- 関連書籍
Burning Issues─Pre-Intermediate Level/Burning Issues─Pre-Intermediate Level
Burning Issues─Intermediate Level/Burning Issues─Intermediate Level
Burning Issues─Advanced Level/Burning Issues─Advanced Level
CONNECTION 1 Starter's Level
CONNECTION 2─Pre-Intermediate Level
CONNECTION 3─Intermediate Level
A Good Read 1 Japan Edition <Pre-Intermediate>
A Good Read 2 Japan Edition <Intermediate>
A Good Read 3 Japan Edition <Advanced level>