



Burning Issues─Advanced Level/Burning Issues─Advanced Level

(編著)Cheryl Pavlik  靜 哲人  

Burning Issues─Advanced Level

音声ストリーミング 教授資料 教授資料 教室用CD
判型 B5判
ページ 全14章90ページ
価格 1,900円(税別)
ISBN 978-4-88198-695-0
略号 695
発売日 2014年4月
先生用資料 教授資料(試訳含む)・教室用CD・音声Download
授業支援ツール スラッシュリーディング
ストリーミング用音声データ 音声データ1 音声データ2 音声データ3














✯ 初版第5刷(2020年9月10日)より、8 Immigrants: Burdens or saviors? の Idea Exchange のコーナーの議題を新しいものに変えました。


This is a three-level content-based reading series and is guaranteed to engage readers, stimulate thinking while developing vocabulary and reading skills. Two readings per chapter explore the same hot topic from different points of view. The readings in each chapter vary by genre and increase in difficulty to support reading development.

Activity include Outline Reproduction, Reading-based Writing, Speeded vocab Production, and Definition-based Vocab Work helps students increase their reading fluency. Open-ended questions named Idea Exchange at the end of every chapter encourage students to defend their viewpoints either through discussion or in writing.


1 Cruelty of Strangers: Who can you trust?  
Reading 1: Bystanders Just Stand By
Reading 2: The Prison Experiment
2 Fertility Now: From treatment to surrogacy
Reading 1: Too Old to Be Pregnant?
Reading 2: Surrogate Motherhood
3 Crime and Punishment: Justice for all?
Reading 1: Falsely convicted
Reading 2: Punishment by the Numbers
4 Gambling: Wanna’ bet?
Reading 1: Do you have a gambling problem?
Reading 2: It’s not about the money
5 Education: Is everyone cheating?
Reading 1: More Students Are Cheating, More Colleges Are Fighting Back
Reading 2: Economics of Cheating
6 The Disabled: Handicapped? Not us!
Reading 1: Myths and Stereotypes about Disabilities
Reading 2: Kyle Maynard: Diminutive Giant
7 Marriage: Why marry at all?
Reading 1: Not Getting Married Any More
Reading 2: Mail-Order Brides
8 Immigrants: Burdens or saviors?
Reading 1: How to Survive or Illegal Immigration Made Easy?
Reading 2: Balanced Immigration Policy
9 Gender: How much does it matter?
Reading 1: Is it a taboo to ask?
Reading 2: The End of Sex?
10 Globalization: Is it imperialism?
Reading 1: English: Can Anyone Stop It?: Should They Try?
Reading 2: The Myth of Cultural Imperialism
11 Sex Education: How much do we need to know?
Reading 1: What Is Sex Education?
Reading 2: Alfred Kinsey: The Man Who Pulled Back the Covers
12 Cults: Path to heaven or somewhere else?
Reading 1: Cults: What they do and don’t do
Reading 2: Salvation on the World Wide Web
13 Prostitution: Looking for a good time?
Reading 1: Oldest Profession Gets Vocal
Reading 2: A Sex Slave’s Story
14 Strange Brains: Unlocking the secrets
Reading 1: Do You Smell a Color?
Reading 2: Parenthood Betrayed: The Dilemma of MSBP

  • Cheryl Pavlik

    ボストン大学専任講師(senior lecturer)。

  • 靜 哲人

    1960年、群馬県生まれ。大東文化大学教授。東京外国語大学外国語学部英米語学科卒業。コロンビア大学ティーチャーズカレッジより英語教授法の修士号(MA in TESOL)、レディング大学より博士号(Ph.D.)取得。専門は英語授業実践学・言語テスト論。著書に『日本語ネイティブが苦手な英語の音とリズムの作り方がいちばんよくわかる発音の教科書』(テイエス企画)、『英語授業の心・技・体』(研究社)、『英語授業の大技・小技』(研究社出版)、『英語テスト作成の達人マニュアル』(大修館書店)、『English あいうえお──これができれば英語は通じる』(文藝春秋)、『発音の教科書──日本語ネイティブが苦手な英語の音とリズムの作り方がいちばんよくわかる』『リスニングの教科書──日本語ネイティブが苦手な英語の音とリズムの聞き方がいちばんよくわかる』『単語の教科書──日本語ネイティブが苦手な英語の音とリズムの作り方がいちばんよくわかる』(テイエス企画)など多数。

  • Ready to Start? Developing the Four Skills A Basic Course ―Revised Edition―/『リーディングからはじめる総合英語学習コースブック基礎編【改訂版】』

  • Ready to Start? Developing the Four Skills An Intermediate Course ―Revised Edition―/『リーディングからはじめる総合英語学習コースブック中級編【改訂版】』

  • Ready to Start? Developing the Four Skills An Advanced Course ―Revised Edition―/『リーディングからはじめる総合英語学習コースブック上級編【改訂版】』

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  • Burning Issues─Intermediate Level/Burning Issues─Intermediate Level

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  • CONNECTION 2─Pre-Intermediate Level

  • CONNECTION 3─Intermediate Level

  • CONNECTION 4─Advanced Level

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